
F**king Pomegranates (Chapter 3)

“This is where it all starts, in your imagination where the possibilities are endless, where logic is defied, consequences are irrelevant and sex is superhuman and it happens just as it does in the movies where everybody is wonderfully consummate and nobody misses out on an orgasm.”

When a bullet exits the barrel, bursting into the real world in search of the intended target, the most amount of variation occurs micro seconds prior to and within split seconds of that exact moment.  The effect of those variations are not fully understood until the projectile finishes its course.  Not dissimilarly, the consequences of acting on the compulsion to be unfaithful and deliberately or inadvertently launching into an affair are determined by the variations occurring just before and immediately after that leap – the impact of which cannot be known until the projectile completes its course.

The Naked Truth

I’ve struggled to categorise this book.  It is a thread of ‘fictitious’ accounts but whether it is commercial fiction or women’s fiction, I cannot say.  If I could be so bold as to invent a category, I’d call it a fictional personal commentary.  It is politically incorrect, it is raw, it is opinionated and it is dogmatic but my fervent hope is that it is found to be also refreshing.  To call it fiction almost seems a crime since the stories are all real, they are our stories and you will know which ones are yours when you read them.  The details don’t matter, I am sure that if you are open to it, you will find yourself somewhere in the pages. In some cases, these stories have been embellished for the sake of entertainment, conversely, some of them have been muted because their truth reads stranger than fiction.

I just want to say out loud what nobody dares to say out loud. We all know that cheaters do not live under bridges or in closets under stairwells.  They are not a secret society that have exclusive clandestine club meetings in the dead of the night in undisclosed locations.  They live, breathe and walk among us.  They are us but for some reason, we don’t want to talk about it.  Cheating is not new, in fact, it is as old as marriage and I think we should talk about it. So, let’s talk about it…